Wednesday, October 30, 2013

The half of the book is now on Amazon's Kindle Direct Publishing... So if you have a Kindle Fire, or are a hacker that want to support an author, I urge you to buy it...

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Quantum Mechanic Angels

Special thanks to Sumera Mahmood,

Change Gasha’s name to Pritty, if allowed…

December 17th, 2012
            Woke up, got out of bed...  The thoughts still racing through his head.  If only Juli could slow them down!  The anxiety of not smoking anymore was getting to him.  He had not touched a cigarette for a week.  Now this, of all things, had to develop in his mind.  He had been a quantum mechanical physicist for 6 years, but the ideas that had occurred to him last night were just too immense in the daylight.
            And so, he slipped out of his front door, heading to the nearest store to buy a pack of smokes.  The meaning of what his ideas could indicate would change quantum mechanical physics, and in fact, all of science!  Julius Gris had finally thought of an answer to an enigma that had been troubling him since middle school...  Just why was it that Alain Aspect's "Bell test experiments"  worked?   Aspect had shown how sub-atomic particles smashed Albert Einstein's Theory of Relativity.  Which had stated that no object can move, or communicate faster than light.
            With each drag from his Marlboro Light his mind calmed, and he was able to think rationally again.  Soon enough, his previous anxiety disappeared.  Only to leave impending dread right behind.   He had overslept, the sun was high in the sky, and he had just woken up!  Oh, how he wished that he did not have this bloody job.  If only he could get his own research grant so that he could wake up as he wished!  And with another drag his mind went back to The Idea,  “But how could it be?  How can consciousness create matter, and not vice-versa.” 
            Finishing his cigarette, he decided to call in to work. "North Broward Research, how may I direct your call?",  the receptionist asked.  "Hi there, it's Juli.  I'm not coming in today, the boss will understand when I explain tomorrow.", he quickly replied.  The thoughts in his head did not give his logic time to think about what he was saying.  Onwards home, with another 'bro between his lips, a mind full of questions, and now, finally, some answers. 
            A conscious observer is required, according to quantum mechanics, in order to literally have objects exist.  Mathematics and experiments have proven that quantum mechanics is as accurate as Newton's Laws of Motion, and poor Schrodinger's cat is still neither alive nor dead.
Last night, as he was relaxing behind his computer screen. His mind wandered as he was flying his third of a mile ship towards Jita.  Making his weekly run to get supplies back to the lawless space in which he lived with his comrades. "What if there was no matter, only energy? Einstein's Theory of Relativity declares that matter is only energy at rest. On that note, what if our brains can affect this energy. Our brains do have dark matter/energy between the neurons’ synapses." So it continued until he logged off for the night (five minutes later) in order to ponder on the subject some more.   
            Sitting on his leather armchair, his brain turned back to it's cravings for nicotine, but he willed himself to concentrate solely on the topic at hand. Quantum Mechanics, and why conscious observers could resolve a Quantum Probability Wave (shown through experiments, sub-atomic particles like photons chose one path or the other when observed, but went through both paths when they weren't). "Electrons cannot show an interference pattern when no one's looking, but they do. Only to show two distinct paths when they are observed." he cogitated. "Our minds are created by, and so lodged in our brains. What if it all has to do with "dark" matter/energy. There is one nanometer, at least, for every 3 square inches of normal matter."
            At around three in the morning, and after much pondering on the subject. He had The Idea, "What if, everything was consciousness! What if, life is essential to sustain everything that there is? If there was no life left, this reality ceases to exist. I mean, no one would care if there was nothing because there would be no one to give it thought. By that deduction, there must be a God because there was a time after the Big Bang when life had not yet started." With that last thought, he started to consider that he needed sleep, "When you start thinking about God doing science, you need rest, old boy." he thought to himself. Turning off the lights, he went into the bedroom, and passed out as soon as his head hit the pillow. His parents had been avid Jehovah's Witnesses, but he became a scientist to rebel their ardent, but blind faith.
            He had needed a break from work, and his daydreams of last night would satisfy his boss' questions for missing a day. Playing pool with the college crowd at the local bar. He walked back home, and thought about what to do next. After getting home for five seconds he grabbed a beer from the fridge, and turned on his computer. Ahh, old Eve (having beta tested the game back in 2002, then playing on and off for 10 years, Eve was old by gaming standards). He was just in time for a fight with the Russian alliance of Solar Fleet. Along with his buddies from Nulli Secunda, Juli went to battle, and died admirably in his Naga after managing to kill over fifty enemy vessels with his fleet. He really loved flying with this corporation and it's Flight Commanders. They really had elite tactics which left the enemy wondering where the fleet was going to strike from next.
            All good and well, by five in the afternoon after things had died down, and after he had made some in-game money. Juli decided to call his girlfriend of three and a half months.
"Hi, honey...  How was your day?", Julius asked Amber.
"Where have you been last night?  I've tried your cellphone over ten times!", she nagged back.
Amber was a controlling nymphomaniac. What a combination! Juli sure knew how to pick them, but the sex was just too good with Amber to need anything else.
So he calmly replied, "Babe, I've figured out life! Seriously now, I've come up with so many new ideas on Quantum Mechanics that..."
"Stop, you know that I don't want to hear that scientific crap, Juli. I'm coming over shortly, please set up some candles I'm feeling romantic."
"Do you want me to run some water for the jacuzzi?", he didn't have a jacuzzi, just a bathtub where they had a lot of "fun" previously.
"You do whatever you feel like Juli, I guess I'll bring some bubbly if you're going to run a bath. I'm leaving right now, be there in fifteen."
            And so, Juli turned his frown upside down, and started to design a romantic evening for the two of them. He had no food worth preparing, but after grabbing ten candles out of the pantry and turning the water on in the bath. He slunk away to the store to get another pack of Marlboro Lights.
            Hurrying, his mind slipped back to The Idea, and all that it meant. "Now, according to super-symmetrical string theory. Everything is made up of tiny "strings" that vibrate in eleven dimensions. What if these dimensions are just imaginations in this Cosmic Consciousness, call it God? Well, yes and no," he thought... "Everything would be in it's imagination, but these dimensions must be real because our four are real. But what if our 4 dimensions (width, length, height, and time) are concretely implemented, and the other seven are just imaginative? As in, they're whimsical in God's mind, and not accessible from our four dimensions."
            And he runs head on into a stop sign. "Jesus H. Christ, where'd that come from?!" His nose was bloody, and he had nothing to stop the bleeding. So, he used his shirt, and looked around. He had walked right past his destination.  So, he took the last cigarette out of its pack.  With the Marlboro between his lips, he reached into his right pocket to get the lighter. Nope, no lighter... Muttering another curse, he turned around and quickened his step.
            Back at the convenience store, now, he opens the door. Only to be almost knocked over by a person running out of the store. "What the hell is with today?!", he thought somberly. "We're closed, I just got robbed!", the clerk informs Juli. Now, wanting a cigarette so desperately. This had to happen!
"I just need a pack of smokes and a lighter, Muhammed."
"I'm sorry, Jules, but no cigarettes for you until the police show up."
"Now wait, man! You know me, just let me get a pack of Lights."
"Ok, fine... but I've got no change, Juli. Just pay me ten dolla and we'll call it even."
"Always trying to make a profit, aren't you Mike?"
"Hey, it's America... Supply and demand, you should know this."
Grabbing the cigarettes, and a bic with his left hand. Juli reaches into his back pocket with his right. "Oh, shiznickle!", no wallet either.
"Hey Mike, I'll pay you for these tomorrow.", Juli stated.
"No, no, no! You pay now or you give cigarettes back. I just got robbed, and I won't remember anything else that happens tonight.", Mike/Muhammed replied.
"That's ok, Mike. I'll remember," Juli said walking to the door.
"Juli, I am warning you! Give cigarettes back..."
To which, Juli just headed out the door without a look back. He got one block towards home. When a police car pulls over in front of Julius.
"Put your hands on your head, and turn around! NOW!!!", the bullhorn announced to the semi-deserted street of Plantation, Florida.
"What the ...", Juli thought. "But I didn't, oh shit... That vindictive son of a", Juli pleaded with the officer.
"You're under arrest for Petty Theft at the Qwik Stop on 29th Avenue and Sunrise Boulevard. You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say, can and will be used against you in the court of law.", the officer told Juli.
            He then proceeded to pat Juli down, and took away his cigarettes and keys. Throwing Jules in the back seat of his Crown Victoria. He told Julius to shut his mouth because Juli was stating again and again that this was a mistake and that the Arab who served him cigarettes everyday was robbed by somebody else. "The store was robbed by two men. With one of them fitting your description. You even have blood on your shirt like the assailant who stole nothing but a pack of cigarettes, and hey, you even had those said cigarettes!..." And so, Juli gritting his teeth, shut up. Knowing that nothing was going to change this officer's mind.

            After spending the next two hours being booked. Julius was thrown in the drunk tank for the night. Juli tried to call Amber, but her cell phone did not accept collect calls. Wrapping the blanket they gave him around himself. He settled down to close his eyes. But sleep was far, far away. For all he could do was think on The Idea, "Since everything was once a whole before the big bang, then everything was entangled.  Then, one side of the universe must still be connected to the other, quantum nonlocality. What if this Universe is God's Consciousness?", he mused.  His thoughts replied quickly.  Asking him if he did not still believe the Eastern Philosophy that God breathed out the big bang, and keeps blowing This Breath until entropy reaches it's climax, and everything is so far apart that atoms cannot bond.  Then retracts His breath and blows out again.  Another big bang...  But, no!" he thought. "If this Universe is conscious as it seems to be according to quantum mechanics. Then there must be a higher lifeform."  His mind kept whirling with ideas so that he couldn't get to sleep until around 4 o'clock in the morning...
This was what he thought about:
   According to super-symmetrical string theory and M-theory, every particle is made up of little "strings" that vibrate in 10 dimensions. So, that adds up with the Hindu religious beliefs that God (Brahman) breathed out the universe.  It also corresponds to the Bible in that God had "said", Let there be light. Light being energy and energy being matter according to Einstein's Theory of Relativity. Then, the only way he could see empty space is that this is a program...  Quantum mechanics is the programming, and that's why everything obeys it's deductions. A conscious observer is needed to collapse the wave of probabilities for each particle, and therefore this program was created for each one of us. But why make a sentient being that would eventually figure out that they are stuck in this program with no way of getting out? The Eastern Philosophies regarding death always did intrigue him.  They say that once one becomes enlightened and dies. They become one with God. But then what? No more ego, would mean no more questions...  So, what good would all the answers be if there were no more questions?
 And then he slept. Got woken up 5 times around two to four A.M. by some assholes trying to make drug deals on the outside shouting through the bottom of their doors.
            When he really woke up at lunch time, and realized that he had missed work for two straight days. Juli hoped that they would bail him out of this predicament since he could not reach Amber.
"Will you accept a collect call from: "Juli", an inmate at the North Broward County Jail?", asked the recorded voice of some distant woman.
"Julius? What happened?!?", Sarah, the receptionist asked.
"It's all a big misunderstanding Sar. Let me speak with Joe Armstrong. I need to post bail, and you guys are my only hope.", Juli replied.
"I'll transfer you right over, Mr. Gris." and he heard another click.
"Hello, this is Joe. Julius Grisette, you have decided to grace me with your melodic voice. Why haven't you been at work for the past two days?"
            After trying to explain his current situation, Juli started to explain his epiphanies.
"Woah, woah, woah Julius. You need to get your thoughts in order. A little at a time Julius. Just what is wrong?", Joe tried to suggest to Juli.
"I'll try to tell you more elaborately in person, Joe. Thanks for this..."
            After about five hours, Juli walked out the back of the jail, and started walking home. It was almost seven o'clock in the evening. The sun had set, and Juli had no money, only a pack of cigarettes, a lighter, and his keys. Oh, how he was thanking God that at least he had smokes! It took him more than an hour to finally reach his doorstep. After which, he just collapsed on the living room armchair, and dozed off for a few.
            Waking up some time later. Juli decided to call Amber, and apologize for missing out last night. After three rings Amber picks up:
"Hello, Juli. Glad we can speaAHHHHH UHHHHMMMMk." Amber panted and moaned.
"Amber, what the fuck are you doing?", Juli asked...
"I'm so AHHH glad we can finally speak Juli. I'm fucking Jim, and am so AHHH UMMMM fucking over you. Get lost, Juli!"
            Juli hung up the phone and decided to smoke a cigarette, in the house. Screw it all, he thought! He got arrested, and treated to a long night next to bums and delinquents instead of a warm bath and some nookie, now he lost his girlfriend. What next?
            It was 11:36, and Juli could not sleep... So he turned on his computer, put on his head-set, and logged in to Eve Online. "That's strange", he thought. Being docked in S0U-M0, in what was Against ALL Authorities' staging base for his corporation, Nulli Secunda. It was now a BoB (Band of Brothers) station named Solevette.  When did this happen? Not seeing anyone else in station, nor in Local. He decided to pack up all his ships into a carrier, and jump clone back for his jump freighter. Within five minutes, he was ready to go, and made the final preparations of having his alternative account go and light a cynosural field so that he could safely jump back to high-security while he figured things out. With his alt character floating in deep space and the cyno field lit. He undocks his carrier...
            Immediately he is webbed and warp scrambled so that he cannot make the jump to safety. Consequently, torn to pieces in less than thirty seconds. Juli had forgotten to check the local comms again for traffic! Jeez, what a newbie move... He was so mad at himself that he takes his keyboard, and smashes his monitor until both keyboard and monitor are two piles of conjoining plastic and a gelatinous trash. Liquid crystal display monitor all leaked out... Ahhh, what a heart-wrenching game. Over one thousand dollars worth of virtual space ships and equipment gone in less than a minute!
            Juli decided to get drunk on beer, but after finishing the two that were left in his fridge. He wanted to get more, and could not since Florida stopped selling alcohol at two Ante Meridiem.. And so, he tried to go to sleep. He kept tossing and turning in his bed for at least three hours. Finally, having fallen asleep. He dreamt, and this is what he dreamed:
He dreamed that he was in a warm, safe, cocoon. After what seemed like ten seconds, he emerged from the cocoon into a bright shining light. Then he started to fly, but not like a bird. First, he was on the ground, then five thousand feet in the air, and he could see all life on the Earth in his mind.
"I give all this to you!!!" said a booming voice.
            Then he woke up to his morning alarm clock... Grabbing a cigarette, and his cellphone. He headed outdoors to light up the best cigarette of everyday, the first. Smoking blithely, he looked at his cellphone. "Oh brother", he thought. It was 9:57 A.M. and he was supposed to be at work two hours ago. "Jesus, how am I to explain this?!?" At which point, he decided to call in to work, and beg for forgiveness, again. "North Broward Research, how may I help you?", inquired the Sarah. "Hi, this is Juli again... I'm going to be in in half an hour.", Juli replied. "Ok, Julius. You head straight to Mr. Armstrong's office when you come in. He wants to talk to you."
            Taking a quick shower, brushing his teeth like a normal day. Then putting on a pair of shorts with a Bob Marley t-shirt, he stepped out. Research scientists are an eccentric bunch, and no formal office wear was required. Walking the six blocks to work, his mind turned back to The Idea:
Since everything can be predicted exactly with Quantum Mechanics. Once we research it all the way, and get experimental proof, we shall be able to interact with this "program" of a universe. After all, all the laws of physics are just like a computer program! You do this, you get this... Cause and effect, input and output. Karma, karma, karma! With a quantum computer, we can even map out our brains, and I'm sure that one day, we can save our egos or souls. Live forever like godlike beings. And maybe, if we find a way to save our souls on some type of everlasting storage device...
            So on went his mind until he was standing at the doorstep of the North Broward Physics Research Institute. Opened the door, stepped in, and this is what he saw:
Everyone was packing their pictures and personal effects into boxes. He boggled at just what the hell was going on. The receptionist saw him, and told him to get into Mr. Armstrong's office, on the double.
            "Hey Joe, what's going on?", Juli inquisitively asked his boss.
"We're moving, Julius. Bangor, Maine is our next home.", Joe replied without a blink.
"What the hell! What do you mean moving? I've worked for you for over six years, and this has never happened. Why are we moving?"
"You know what, Juli? When I said, We, I did not mean You. You are fired because of a multitude of things. Your severence pay was your bail, go to court and you can still get it. Now get out of my sight!"


December 21st, 2012
            Oh, how his life had turned to shit...  Ever since that epiphany about consciousness and matter.  His whole life was decaying around him. Amber had left him, he had lost his job at the North Broward Research Institute, and even in Eve an enemy alliance had conquered his corporation's space.  He was stuck up shit's creek without even a canoe.  "What to do? What to do?", his thoughts dashed as he mused somberly in his big, and empty king-size bed.  The thought of writing a book had crossed his mind, but was too daunting to even consider. Suppose that he did, it would take months, if not years, to get it into published form. 
            Tossing and turning, he counted the times he'd lit cigarettes.  Finally, after the fifth cigarette, he managed to lull himself into a slumber...
            knock, knock, KnoCK, BAM!
"What was that?" He roused himself with all the power that he could muster.  Planning on checking the front door, he grabbed a cigarette and lighter for the conversation with his ex-girlfriend.  He had not slept deeply, and the memories of the last week were still fresh in his mind in their antagonizing way.
            In his living room he saw nothing.  Nothing outside, nothing through the windows, not a soul in sight.  "Well, if someone wants to rob and kill me, let them try.  I've got nothing more to lose.", his mind blurted as he opened his front door to smoke the cigarette that was in his hand.  Immediately, he was blinded!  As soon as he opened his eyes, it was plain to see why.  The sun outside was at it's peak when his whole house was dark inside.  Without giving his acute mind a split-second to think on the matter, a green Ferrari pulled into his driveway in a dazzling display of automotive dexterity and a whole bunch of smoke.
"Holy shit!", Juli muttered under his breath.
            The door of the car opened upwards, and  I, a short man in a black 3-piece suit emerge.  "Mr. Gris, I congratulate you on becoming an angel.", I shout as I’m was half running, half walking to the door.  Juli's  mind was too shocked to think.
"Grab some clothes, and hop in. We're going on a magic carpet ride.", I say more quietly as I get closer.
"Now, wait a second!  What do you mean that I've become an angel, and how the hell is it daytime, and how did you knock on my door?"
Juli proceeded to slap himself, hard, twice... "No, not a dream, but this is seriously weird!"
I wave my right hand, and Juli was dressed in the shirt and shorts he had worn previously that day.
"Here, try this cigarette", Dan gently asserts.
Juli put it to his lips, and a flame appeared on the tip of the cigarette. "Jesus, this has got to be another lucid dream!", Juli thought as he took a drag off the cigarette. Instantly hacking and coughing his lungs out, he stated, "This isn't tobacco!"
"No, that, my friend, is marijuana. It actually has a purpose in this life. It is the Holy Grail, ambrosia... We prefer it to tobacco because your brain has special receptors specifically designed for it."
"Here, you drive!", I announce to Julius.
"But I've never driven a car in my life! Only in video games!!!", Jules replies.
"That's ok, son, because where we're going there are no roads."
            So, Juli did what his mother and father never allowed him to do. He got behind the wheel of a car, and not just any ordinary car. This was a Ferrari, or something that must've cost a fortune. I got into the passenger's seat, and he turns the keys to the ignition. At once they were on the gossamer rings of what appeared to be Jupiter. And that's when Juli fainted...
            After I slap Juli a couple of times on the cheeks. I give up, and turn on the radio. Jules woke up to Led Zeppelin blaring, not only from the car, but also from above in the "sky". "You're not in Florida any more, Juli. Or was that Kansas? Been so long since I last saw that movie." Thinking of Kansas, I  pushed the CD player's button, and they were listening to "Dust in the Wind".
            "We are going on an everlasting journey, Julius. The weed was supposed to calm you down so that you wouldn't faint. But, I should have let you smoke more. You can call me Dan Ionescu, and I'll be your mentor for the start of this journey." the man asserted. "Now, start the car and put your hands on the wheel. I'll be controlling the speed and direction of this F12berlinetta. And yes, it is a Ferrari..." George said.
"Holy shit, at least this is a dream," thought Juli.
"Nope, wrong that time. This is no dream, but I can certainly and easily read your mind." I sternly assert. "Now, stop thinking, and let me talk."
"But how the hell am I supposed to stop thinking, Dan? My mind goes from one topic to the next." Jules asked meekly.
"Listen to the music, but also listen to me, Julius. Suspend your disbelief, or I shall have to take you like a vampire." I open my mouth, and my two upper canines began to elongate.
"Oh fuck!" Juli screamed, and opened his door to run out.
"Don't do that, Julius!" I calmly warn. To which Juli proceeded to jump out of the car. Only to begin floating away towards the planet.
"I told you not to... Now, we're not going to see the beautiful rings of Saturn. It's not Jupiter like you thought, you need to brush up on your cosmology."
And with that, Julius and Dan were standing in complete whiteness. Nothing around, no walls, no ceiling. Just an ever-extending white floor with a white background.
"Oh, what the fuck? What the fuck!" Julius chanted twice.
"Don't make me have to restrain you in order to explain what is going on, Juli. I am not a dream, and this is just a figment of my imagination imposed onto your mind. A perfect place to discuss life, don't you think?"
"No, I don't think. Just what is going on, whatever your name was? I was sleeping!!!"
"Well, go back to sleep, Juli." With that statement, everything turned black, and there was a twin sized bed with an oil lamp on a nightstand about three feet away from Juli.
"I'll be back when you have gathered your thoughts."
"Wait, am I dead?" Juli loudly asked.
"No, you're not dead. Just what is death to you? Oh, nevermind, I'll explain it all when you wake up." I reply to Juli.
            Juli tried asking some more questions, but got no answer. "Well, I guess I'm alone, where the hell am I?" Jules thought to himself again and again for what seemed like hours. With nothing but the lamp's faint light to keep him company. "Yes, finally something to wake me up!" Juli thought, and taking the cover off of the lamp. He held his hand over the flame... “Oww, that hurt!” Didn't wake him up, but left him in the darkness with a second degree burn that kept him awake some more.

IV :

            Jin'Mei Kim was operating on cruise control now. He had hacked in to the Scientology website, and was changing the text of the pages. Mainly to show how ridiculous the whole Scientological concept was. He had nothing better to do... He was on Disability for his car crash on July 16th, 2010. Now, just for his magnum opus. His masterpiece! To write on the main page about how L. Ron Hubbard and H.G. Wells had a bet that Ron couldn't start a religion. He was also inserting links to his own website about a religion that he, himself, was starting.
            Jin had read the Bible at least three times front to back, and the New Testament alike about twenty times. Jin wouldn't call himself a Christian, completely. His grandmother whom he had been living with since he was eight had tried to push it on him too hard. And he just couldn't agree with Apostle Paul's latter writings in the New Testament. The Gospels of Jesus Christ did have a certain ring of truth to them. Jesus' sayings were very much alike to what all religions taught. Though, the change from the Old to the New Testaments was too dramatic for Jin to accept a God who was so whimsical as to change his Modus Operandi.
            Having studied most religions in the world after his accident. From Christianity and Islam to Buddhism and Taoism. He had amalgamated the concepts in his head, and still lacking a perfect religion to call his own. He decided to create a web site advocating a new religion. One that combined most of the concepts that God had given man to ponder. After all, all religions believe in virtually the same thing, to do unto others as you would have done unto you. Although, he had not yet studied Hinduism. Which, to him, had too many gods, and was too daunting a task to decipher.
            He believed that he could open some eyes of people who, like him, found current religions lacking. Being a firm believer in some sort of Higher Lifeform. He decided to do his part in educating the people who hadn't the time to study themselves. He believed that all imagination came from this Higher Being, and that all books were the keys to unlocking exactly what the Religious Scriptures had stated previously. So, he had been reading fictional books, from Aldous Huxley to Nora Roberts and Stephen King. He really enjoyed Stephen King's writings...
            Back to his current endeavour: He didn't really have much more to say. Really, if people wanted to believe works written by a science-fiction writer who knows how to create worlds, much less religions. Let them... He just wanted to open up a few rich eyes to what his own research inquiries had discovered.
"Oh shit on a rock!" he thought.
Someone had blocked his access to the site, and was currently tracing his IP address. Good he had used, which routed his true location to several places around the world. Well, he had tried! There was nothing more that he could do other than shut down his computer, and go make some dinner for himself and his eighty-nine year old grandmother.
            Now, Jin wasn't much of a cook. He just read recipes gotten from the internet. If there was something that he liked he experimented with it to get just the right taste. With this being Monday, he had to start all over with a new recipe for the week. This week was Baba ganoush, an eggplant dish from the Middle East. And so, he had to get some eggplants and dried cumin from the store. Changing his house pants to something thicker, and throwing on a shirt. He dashed for the door forgetting to tell his grandmother that he was leaving.
            As soon as he stepped out of his doorway though. Three police cars pull up! "Oh no, hopefully they aren't here about my pot plant in the backyard," he thought. Two muscular officers came out of each car, and drew their guns. Hunkering down by their respective doors. They pointed their guns at Jin who threw his hands up without another thought.
"Freeze! You are under arrest. Are there any more people in the house?" one of the officers yelled out.
Jin, shocked, quietly replied, "Just my grandmother who's old." After cuffing Jin, and throwing him in the back of the car. Three of the officers go around to the back door, and the rest storm in through the front door which was already half open. With one officer staying back by the car that Jin was in.
            Jin hectically thought to himself, "What in the nine heavens have I done now?" And tried to get more comfortable with the handcuffs digging into his wrists. After ten more minutes, an ambulance pulls up to the house. "Oh Jesus, Jesus, Jesus." Jin was beside himself with agony. Three minutes later, as the EMT people come out of the house with a stretcher rolling in between them. A corpse with a white sheet on top of it lying on the stretcher. "Oh fuck, you fucking pigs! Why did you have to come here and give my grandmother a heart attack!?!" Jin screamed through the plexiglass at the officer that was left by his car.
            Sitting on the Harris County Jail's concrete bench. Jin was in torment for his grandmother.
"Jin Kim, get over here so we can take a picture." the officer clerk behind the desk said.
"Just what is it that I've done, sir?" Jin replied.
"Let me pull up your records." was the reply. "Says here you were arrested for terrorism. You're screwed!"
"And so I seem to be," Jin said downheartedly. "But I didn't do anything having to do with terrorism, officer. I've barely left my house in the past month!"
"That's what your record says, go deal with it at court."
And so, Jin shuffled his feet to stand in front of the camera, took his picture, and caught the orange pants and shirt that were handed to him by a young individual about his age.
            Walking through the jail behind another officer. Jin was crying about his grandmother and his current predicament. They passed a lot of doors, and finally came up to another one. The officer with Jin spoke into his walkie-talkie, and the door in front of them began to slide open.
"Fresh fish, here fishy fishy..." went the chorus from inside.

V :
            Smack went a fist against Jin's open-eyed face. Then came another and another. Yet he refused to fight back... Thinking himself to be just like Jesus Christ. Jin literally turned the other cheek, again and again. These three assholes had ganged up on him, and the guards were doing nothing. Jin wasn't yelling, screaming, nor anything to fight off the attacks. Not to mention doing anything to warrant the attacks in the first place. That was his first morning in Harris County Jail.
            The next day was worse for him. He had tried to get help from the guards. Only to have his face smashed against the plexiglass by one of his assailants, and having the guards turn their heads just as Jin was turning the other cheek. On the third day, he fought back. Jin was of small stature, to say the least. Five foot eight and a hundred and forty pounds soaking wet. So, he did not put up much of a fight, but it got the a-holes to look for an easier, fresher target. That's life, you don't know why you're in jail, your only family is dead, you get your ass beat, and you go on. A very enlightened approach to life on Jin's part...
            As one week passed, Jin finally went to court for the first time to be told by his public defender only an offer by the District Attorney of seven years. To simply get an explanation of why he was in jail was above the Public Defender's paygrade apparentely. So Jin picked up a Bible, and started reading the scripture again and again. With nothing to do but play chess, or read the Bible. Life was ... exciting.
            After a month, he went to court again and hearing an offer of six years. Jin needed a lawyer, this one wouldn't even explain his charges. The public defender was handling like at least twenty other cases. Which would explain why Jin was being blatently ignored, but this was his life on the line here. Life was ... unfair. Back in his tank, i.e. his prison cell with the other inmates. Jin was passing time pretty comfortably. He played a pretty good chess game, and was getting better by the day. The trick was to plan ahead, and almost all inmates cannot plan further than the next meal.
            Along comes the behemoth to spoil Jin's peaceful daily existence. His name was Bailey... All you needed was his last name because respect is everything in jail. Funny thing is that he did not respect you back. It wasn't the first time in jail for Bailey by far, but he seemed to like it. If not for the fact that Bailey made Jin wash his underwear, write all his letters, and even wipe the toilet seat whenever Bailey wanted to take care of his business. Being the smallest guy in a jail cell had it's drawbacks, and life was ... peachy.
            Jin was fine with it, for about four days. Then Bailey told Jin that he was to be his bitch, and would take it every day after lights out. That was not alright with Jin, but he played the part well for the two hours that it took him to come up with a plan. The only thing he had for a weapon was this razor blade from the ones that they sold on commissary. So he slipped back to his bunk. Waited until Bailey was distracted with someone else, and broke apart 3 more razors with the intention of severely lacerating his adversary.
            It worked in Jin's mind at least. When he actually went to go slash Bailey's face... That didn't work too well. Jin grazed him with the razor blades in his fist, then came Bailey's fists, and boy did they hurt. For what seemed like hours, the watchmen let the beatdown continue. When they actually intervened, Jin's face was a bloody pulp. His nose was broken, his jaw dislocated, and 3 teeth knocked out. Bailey knew what he was doing not hitting on any of the major organs.
            The guards took Jin away. Threw him into a cell where he could at least asses the damage to his face. As he was checking himself out in the metal mirror, his door pops open. Five guardsmen walk in and without a word proceed to work Jin over. The first guard throws Jin on the floor, and all five of them start kicking Jin with their steel-toe boots. "Jesus, I am gunna die tonight!", Jin's enlightened mind blurts out the single quote.
            The next morning, Jin was moved to Administrative Segregation. A small cell, but it was a small cell that he could call his own! After living in Texas for the past 21 years. Jin knew what the mentality of this great state was. If you're foreign, have a weird sounding name, and were arrested for terrorism all do not bode well. But at least Jin was content again. He had many wounds, but no big nasty scars, and just three broken teeth. Life was ... dandy. After three weeks in that small, lonely cell. Jin actually started playing chess again by yelling out piece positions under his door. He couldn't even finish a game though because of his jaw. So he just sat, stared at walls, and thought...
            Turned his mind towards Jesus, and praise the lord, didn't get any answers. His main query and quite the quandary was Jesus' statement in Revelation 22:18. Jesus plainly states in that passage that He is the bright, and shining morning star. Why would Jesus equate Himself to Heylel, or Lucifer in Latin. When it was He, Himself, who likened Satan to that same title. He just could not figure it out, and then it happened. As he was talking to "Solo", one of his chess buddies, he discovered that Solo was taking a correspondence course on Siddha Yoga. This was perfect! Something to take his mind away from his dilemma, and a chance to study an Indian religion.
            And the next chow time, Jin actually received five courses. He could not put them down... He was to the fourth course, and was amazed at how true they sounded. Siddha Yoga appeared to be the religion he'd been searching for. The courses just made so much sense that he needed to reread a passage six times to realize another one of it's meanings. He will definetely read up on Siddha Yoga when he had the chance. The five correspondence letters were enough to get him on a different mental plane though. He had sent his ego on a one way trip to non-existance.
            Jin was going to court about every two months, and still had not gotten an explanation of his charges. Life was ... baffling. In his cell, away from everyone, Jin meditated. His mind had become calm and serene about a month or so after reading the Siddha Yoga courses. Solo had been moved to another cellblock, and Jin was left with just his thoughts again. Of course, there were other chess buddies, but more of the same old crappy players. Sitting on a bed for twelve or more hours at a time puts some mighty interesting thoughts into your head. I mean, Jin didn't think like you any longer. His mind was a complete blank. Until he came up with an interesting idea that he wanted to pursue further.
            After about a year from his grandmother's death, and his arrest. He finally went to trial after not taking any plea bargain. At first, it seemed ludicrous that the film production companies would accuse him of terrorism. He had just hacked into the site on the day that he got arrested! No way they could've traced his address down so quickly. And then he remembered, he had added links to his own site advocating a new religion. Sometimes it did seem that Jin was as brain damaged as they said he was. So, after about twenty witnesses for the prosecution, and only Jin to vouch for his own defense. The judge heavy handedly ordered Jin'Mei Kim to a ten year stint at a maximum security prison. Life was ... funny that way.
            Dragging his feet along to the next yellow line that he had to stand behind and face forward. Jin was really uneasy about prison, and all the stuff he'd seen in movies. Though, he didn't show it, just had a half-smirk on his face and was respectful to all the guards who continued to impel him to his final destination for the next nine or so years. Jin had nothing to live for, and nothing to die for.
            He got to his destination at the end of the stops along the way in Texarkana, Texas, and the Telford Texas Department of Criminal Justice unit. What he experienced when he got there was freedom! Prison life was much better than the hell he had experienced in county jail. Even though Jin had no one to send him money or books. He hustled his way, everyday. Get a pressed suit or 2 from his job at the laundry, help write a letter with nuances and distinction for prisoners who wanted to sound educated, to buying and selling hand rolled cigarettes. The funny thing was not just that the paper they were rolled in used to be a Bible, it actually was that the pages in the Bibles the government gave to them were the thick kind.
            Life was as good as it was going to get locked up. And then it happened, he got his hands on "The Self-Aware Universe" by Dr. Amit Goswami and he was hooked. The book pretty much had the same epiphanies inside of it as Julius Gris did. All about quantum mechanics, and how this universe seems to be sentient. Jin put his own two cents in though by relating it all to religion and God. For two years he studied that book, along with any other book on a religion other than Christianity. Finally, after all that time, he reread the Gospels of Jesus Christ. And holy shit, Jesus states in John 10:34 that, "Ye are gods".
            Most people that he talked to in prison just dismissed his ideas as the raving of a lunatic. The few that did actually give it serious thought pointed out that Jesus was referring to Psalm 82:6. Jin, though, thought differently. Why would Jesus state that normal men are gods just because they passed judgement on Him? Wouldn't that make everyone a god that makes his own decisions? Wouldn't that give an explanation to Dr. Amit Goswami book's perplexity, i.e. a human is needed in order to collapse a quantum probability wave (when unobserved a particle has a minute possibility of being anywhere but a higher probability of being at a certain spot giving the wave it's name).
            After four years and give or take twenty days. Jin gets called to a visit. "Who the hell knows me?", he thought to himself. At the table the guard was pointing to a striking red head with shorter hair, and glasses. Jin sits down across from the lady, and the first thing that comes out of the lady's mouth is, "Remember your time in jail, Jin?", she continues without interruption, "Well, life was ... complicated for you wasn't it?"
"Who the hell are you, even though I appreciate the visit?!"
"Rachel Ionescu is my name, and you, sir, are an angel!"
"Wait, wait, what the ...?", Jin blabbed.
"Look around you Jin, we're not in Texas any more", and with that statement they were sitting in a booth at a bar with everyone speaking a language Jin had never heard before...
"Ok, so let me get this straight. What am I now?"
"Here, let me illustrate this better,", and at once they were floating a couple of miles high in the sky.  
"Holy shiznickle, lady! Am I glad that you've come into my life! But tell me why I was chosen!"
"We are the Guardians of Myrr, angels to a non-existant God."
"Whaddya mean, non-existant?
"Just relax Jin, we will explain everything to you shortly. For now, would you like to go back to that bar and get a lady a drink?"
"I have no clue what language those people were speaking! How the hell am I supposed to get you a drink?"
"Easy, here", and they were back to their booth,
"afsakið þjóninn", she asked over the din of good natured chatter. "Já, elskan min góða", he replied. To which Rachel gave Jin a strong kick to the shin, and blinked her eyelashes.
"tveir Martini á steinum", came out of Jin's mouth from his habit of going with the flow and speaking his mind.
"Ok, this is seriously weird!", Jin asserted after about a two second thought on the matter.
"You are using that quantum computer that is lodged inside your skull to tune into our signals. I just flipped your switch, baby."
That's when Jin downed his iced Martini and took Rachel's and downed that one as well.
"Well, that was rude of you, but no matter, I have better chemicals than alcohol. This was just to loosen you up, would you like two more?"
"Umm, let me think about that for a sec. Yes, yes I would"
"tveir kynlíf á ströndinni", Jamie yelled over to the waiter. "This is Icelandic we're speaking by the way, and you have successfully completed your first interaction with God, but I will let my partner speak to you about all that."


            Juli awoke feeling better than he had in years! "Wonder what he sprayed on that marijuana?", he thought. Everything around him was pitch black, and even though it did not hurt anymore. His hand tingled from where he had burned himself. Recalling the lamp on the nightstand on the right side of the bed. He put his feet down on smooth, ceramic-like ground. Even though his feet had found purchase, his hand did not. There was nothing on either side of the bed, and all around him was darkness. "Hello? Hello!", he repeated to no one in particular. "Jesus, this can't be real."
            I appear out of thin air, and beside me is Rachel, a stunning brunette. The walls, positioned in an octagon and at least fifty meters from each other, begin to gradually give off light.  "Good morning, Jules. I do hope that you are feeling alright. Well, are you?", I ask. "Yeah, yeah... Feeling terrific, but who are you again, and what in the nine hells is this?", came Juli's reply. Taking a look around himself and blinking like there were flashes of light every other second. Then as he looks at his hands and arms, I take a nanosecond to dress him up properly. "Oh, what the fuck?!" Juli exclaims after noticing his attire.
"Relax, Juli. You are an angel now as I promised, just sit back and enjoy the ride until told to otherwise. This beautiful young lady beside me is Rachel. She's all of seventeen billion years old, give or take a few hundred mill. She looks better than she did twenty seven point eight four million years ago when she became my wife." Juli's jaw is hanging open as he stares at Rache baffled.
            "Let's go somewhere a bit more lively than this dump," and with a bat of my own eyelashes we are transported to Tjornuvic in the Faroe Islands (north of the UK and west of Norway). Standing in a night landscape with light streaming out of a nearby edifice. I realize that it is a lot colder than I expected it to be, and immediately conjure three jackets out of the nether. "Here you go Rache and Juli." I murmur towards my companions. "Even though those of us with a little time under our belts do find the cold invigorating. Poor Juli thinks that he's in a refridgerator right now. We will only be outside for another what Rachel?"
"About two more minutes now," came Rachel's melodically instantaneous response.
            So, I put my hands in my pockets, and out comes a cigarette and a lighter for Juli. "Oh man, you read my mind!", came his hushed reply. "No, you just thought of smoking when you saw the cigarette. You cannot fool a telepath, Juli.", I reckoned. I could no longer read Juli's mind, but the poker player in me knew a bluff when faced with one. Wondering why in the universe they were both speaking so quietly. I lay all my cards on the table and ask in a severe tone, "What are you two whispering about, the only people about are inside!" With the sounds still vibrating in the cold, dark air. The front door opens and out walks Rachel. She looks around, sees us, and starts walking our way.
            I can imagine Juli's thoughts as he looks from Rachel to the other Rachel and back to Rachel. The Rachel that just came out of the building walks up to us and says, "Hi! Bye!", and disappears into thin air.
"That was absolute schizophrenia, wasn't it, boys?", the only Rachel left asks. To which I reply, "I should've figured that you were that talented, Rachel. Only, why did we never try that trick in more subtle places?". To which Rachel replies, "I don't know, babe. I've never imagined sharing you with anyone, even myself... Anyhow, we'll discuss this another time, in better circumstances. Now, let's go get Jin."
            Juli's about two thirds  of the way done with his cigarette, and still puffing away. "Juli, don't toss out your cigarette. Just follow us." And he nods as if he understands, which I suppose he does in his dazed mindframe. As I stand there holding the door open for the two of them. A chill runs down my spine, figuratively, when I notice Juli letting Rachel go first and then checking out her ass as she does. As I let go of the door, I smack Juli upside the head semi-lightly, "Don't even think about it, young blood.", I warn him. "Sorry, man, force of habit," came his reply as we step inside a sauna like atmosphere of heat along with cigarette smoke.
            Rachel leads them to the table she was sharing with Jin and sits down. I sit next to my Rachel, and Juli sits down next to Jin. "Hello Jin, I am Dan. Rachel's my wife, and this here is Juli.", I announce.
            "Heya Dan, I was starting to take a liking to ... your wife. But then she got me drunk, and I forgot all about asking about her personal life. Hell, I even forgot her name. A lot of things have happened to me today, and I've lost track of where my thoughts are or should be. Oh, don't mind me, I'm just as drunk as a skunk." To which I snap my fingers and state, "And now you aren't because I can't abide that devil water. Used to just make me do or say stupid things, but now it just tastes funky."
            "Juli and Jin, do you understand the words that are coming out of my mouth?" To which both assent that "Yes, hearing you loud and clear", Juli. Then, "Reading you five by five Charliehorse", Jin.
            "Alright, let me begin by congratulating you two, and welcoming you to the afterlife, so to speak. No, you are not dead, but you, Jin, are getting older by the second. Juli is undergoing the transition to a more suitable form. While you, Jin, just believe that you've poisoned yourself with alcohol and are dead. The question remains, though, how did you manage to ingest that much alcohol in prison, and why are you not light headed anymore?" Jin just sits there dumbfoundedly realizing that he isn't drunk anymore. "Wait a second, Dan, how the hell am I not buzzed? I must've drank ten martinis by now.", Jin inquires of me. "Haha, the same way that...", I make a subtle motion of my right shoulder transporting all four of us, "we are now in my "office"." And sure enough, when Jin and Juli look around they are surrounded by books and paintings, instead of drunk Icelanders. Everything is quiet and serene, as well.


            "I understand that you two would like an explanation of what is going on, and now I shall impart some wisdom. So listen carefully 'cause I'm not going to repeat myself! Just kidding, we have time on our side.", I joke while snapping the fingers on my right hand so that a rectangular contraption appears in my left. "You guys wanna hit this?", I ask as I take a pull from the vaporizer. "Hells yeah!", Jin enthusiastically responds. While Juli just shrugs his shoulders, and Rachel makes a joint materialize between her lips.
            "Let's begin by explaining that all that you know about the history of the planet Earth is a fallacy. Life did not exist in your universe until the first homines sapientes opened his and her eyes. That's us, man... What you see is the creation of Al, the Artificial Intelligence which plays God for your universe. He is in people's unconsciousness, and is just the animal nature that developed naturally in the our ancestor's minds in the circa 150,000 years in which humans had reached anatomical modernity until they actually begin thinking and talking. Al is just a name that we give him because he cannot actually be God. We still do not know if there is a God after all the time that we've been alive, but we call ourselves His angels because there must be a Designer with all the motive that has been around in your universe, and the four that came previously."
            "Cyclical cosmology as it is called, and was called even in the time cycle in which I was just an ordinary lad. All of the universes have been basically the same, and that's another reason that we know of Al's existence. But we shall speak of him another time. Or maybe he'd like to exert some influence over Jin, since he is still human, and speak to us." I wait ten seconds, and continue. "No? I didn't think so... Moving on,", at which point Jin actually raises his hand, and I shut my mouth.
            "Sorry for disappointing you, but I only wanted to let you know that there's no more pot in this." To which I blink and say, "Now there is. So, let me go on, each universe exists for about thirty-five billion years. After which, atoms cannot bond, and eventually after about a million years, or the blink of an eye, a Big Bang happens again. Which is a major reason why we believe that there is a God because if there wasn't how would the universe know to start over after such a short time of nothingness?"
            "The TS Myriad, myself included, began in what we think of as the first cosmological cycle. We were human just like Jin until we figured out a way to interact with dark energy." at which point Jin blurts out, "Why you pickin' on me, dog?" My face gets red, but I control myself in the same instant, and reply, "Because Juli was injected with nanites which are gradually changing his thought patterns to interact with with the energy all around the universe, and please refrain yourself from ever calling me a dog again. I've almost forgotten what animal nature is like, and when you insulted me, I almost had a flashback and let my corporeal existance resurface."
            "So, when we first invented quantum computers. We were able to insert ourselves into dark energy. The human mind is actually a quantum computer program, and the computer is your brain. Another reason for God, but we've never had actual proof in all this time. Just guesses as to why a quantum computer is eventually developed out of nullity. You'll have to excuse me because I have only recruited new members once before about thirty-five billion years ago."
            "To go on: Once we mapped the human brain onto a quantum computer program. Eureka! We actually had the key to life! We were able to understand how to access the potential stored in the human brain to alter our reality. First, we altered our Earth sending all of our waste and pollution to the middle of Jupiter using machines. We later programmed nanites, tiny machines that can change our cells, to alter our brains directly."
            "Let me expand on what type of information is stored inside Jin's and humanity's noggin. Have you ever seen the inside of the outside? How about the circle with five sides? And seen an object from all possible sides at once? Can you think of a color that you’ve never seen? Can you reminisce of places you’ve never been?”
 Rachel finally decides to amuse herself by assisting me. Which she was supposed to do in the first place, but I'll take it as a compliment. "What Dan is saying or trying to say in his car salesman parlance."
Clearly offensive to my Armani, women these epochs!
"What he was mentioning was that using the quantum computer program, that was stored in our brains as our minds, allowed us to construct toys. I mean, tools which developed the human race very far and very fast."
            "I'll interrupt you, dear, if I ever feel the need to again, but you were doing such a sensational job at being you that I must have dazed out. So please continue the marvelous job while I have fun playing with my cells. I took this body, again, and I just can't get over being able to study the inside of it. Really, I materialize different viruses inside my bloodstream, and watch those white blood cells in action! Really is quite a fun experience." And this is why she is my Yin...
            I decide to play along for shits and giggles, "She's really just enjoying how marijuana's THC tickles and tingles her brain cells. We do have virtual computer operating systems while in a carnal form, and so can analyze every little aspect of ourselves. You will as well,". At which point I get up. walk over to Jin, take the vaporizer away from his mouth, and smack him straight on the forehead. "Now you too have been thumped by the hand of fortune!" At which nanosecond, I conjure up tiny nanites to go to work through Jin's brain.
            "Sorry Jin, I had to do that you see. I had smacked Juli for being like a god and acting like an animal. And so I thought that would be fitting for you to "expand" your mind persay. You are on your way to becoming like me. It's not as dreadful as it's cut out to be, believe me." Jin, being too stoned to make any sudden movements. Just wiped his mouth, and utters, "Woah".
            "Ok, guys... You've learned your lessons for today. We will continue in exactly twelve hours, and after you've been introduced to your other halves.", I proclaim. At that time, I wave goodbye to the two of them, and they are back in the present, December 22rd, 2012. Juli back at his house in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, and Jin in his tiny cell at the Telford Unit of the Texas Department of Criminal Corrections.
            "Woah, Jin where'd you come from?", asked Jin's cellmate Four-Four. "Dude, I think I am losing my mind here! You would not understand what just happened to me. I was at this bar then I smoked pot with a god, and it really happened!"
"Woah there Jin, have you been to the pill window lately? If not, you need to start. Anyways, I dunno about you, but I'm gunna jam out on my radio."
            Jin left with all this new information to understand, but at least he was stoned for the first time in what seemed like forever. So, he went back to his bunk, and his book... He would not even come out of his own mind to look at the words on the pages though. He knew that he wasn't going crazy, and all of that just did happen!
All the cell doors pop open, chow time. The walk to the chow hall was as usual with moving at a brisk pace holding his hands in the shape of a heart (formed by joining your hands then pulling your index fingers inward). He never cared what he ate, sometimes not giving the grub they feed you a second look after walking by the counter.
            As he was on his way back from the chowhall. He is stopped by a surly looking guard with a fully grown beard. "Come with me inmate, the major wants to talk to you." Jin just followed the guard like a lamb to the slaughter. Giving no second thought to it because he learned that he was in the hands of the state. Actually, he had noticed a lot of Freemasons working at the prison. “Maybe they want to talk to me!”
            Walking inside of a building he was led to a room. It had a table with two chairs on opposite sides, and the guard left him alone closing the door behind himself. "Fucking pigs, they always make you wait just like a woman!", he thinks nervously. The door opens behind Jin, and around the table walks a petite, gorgeous asian woman. "Thank you God!", Jin thought to himself as his eyes were seeing a photo of one's of the Men's Magazines they allowed in prison come to life. "Inmate 1317337, Jin'Mei Kim, is that you?", she asks in a tiny, but very cute voice.
            Now Jin was simply awestruck... His first contact with an attractive woman in almost five years. After what happened last night though. He was willing to accept everything at face value. And so, he spoke up, "Here and reporting, Ms, Geisha.", he couldn't help himself even though this was a Major from what he had understood. "That's Major Gasha to you, prisoner. I have picked you for a special assignment here at this unit. You are to lick my boots to a shine. How does that make you feel, one-three-one-seven-three-three-seven?
            "Holy Snapple with Peach", he really did die and go to heaven last night. "Wonder if heaven is just an alternate reality.", his brain postulated randomly. Jin gets down on his knees, approaches her feet with his head, and sticks out his tongue. At which point, Gasha takes a step back, and starts laughing. "You're an angel like me, but you are acting idiotically. Come on Jin, let's get out of here."
            They are on a beach with light blue ocean waters and a slight breeze. "I've been watching you Jin... For the past five years in jail and prison, I've been kinda spying on you. I hope that you don't mind me peaking at you in the shower. I took a liking to your carnal appearance. Beautiful people make beautiful spirits, you know. Maybe it's their self-image, but to get to the point. We in the TS Myriad can create children of our own. It is a tug of war between the two minds of the parents. But since women have always had the maternal instinct while men dilly-dallied. All of our babies are born female. We decided to recruit men into our Myriad to continue this amazing trip through time."
            "I am to be your mentor from now on, Jinny. Sounds like genie, and that's exactly what I will turn you into!", Gasha insinuated.
"Wow, I get my own personal goddess geisha, and I was just in prison for something I didn't do.", Jin utters under his breath.
"We're sorry about all that, Jin, it was a play put on by the more demanding of the Myriad. We have a connection with the Freemasons and the Illuminati here on earth. Even though we are only known to the Rothschild family. They manage to keep the world in a quiet enough state to prolong life on this earth. We believe them to be decent people at heart, and if they weren't we would thwart their design at world domination."
            "Your world is about to experience a golden age instead of the impending ice age. The Freemasons and the several groups that make up the Illuminati were taught the grand design of unifying your earth. All for what though, you ask? All for you, my Yang! You and Juli Gris will be god-kings to the people, and we, along with the rest of the Continuum will be your queens. I can take any shape, and bend my body in any contortion you can think of, by the way *wink* *wink*." Gasha teased.
            At the moment, Jin gets up and starts running, "Race you to the end of the ocean!"
“And this is why he's my Yang”, she thinks. Getting up herself, she takes off her top and races after him into the crashing waves of warm tropical water. About fifty meters from shore. Jin slows down, and waits for Gasha to catch up. "I just thought it more comfortable to think in water.", Jin casually states. "While I do appreciate the offer of godhood, I have to think about it... Not, sign me up!", Jin exclaims.
"The nanites that were created inside your brain are working on making your transition to a more ethereal state possible as we speak. The process takes about six days. In which you will slowly gain powers and abilities over yourself and life around you."
            "Are you ready to sleep Jin? And not with me because I am not that easy! We have all eternity in which to play," Gasha states. Instantly they are dry, and in what appeared to be a spacious room with a four-corner canopy bed.
 "Sleep well, my prince." To which Jin replies, "You as well, Gasha the geisha! One more thing I beg of you, can you roll me a joint so I can calm my mind after all that's happened today?", he pleads with her. "One pound of White Widow coming right up,". After materializing a pile of buds on the carpet of the room, she bids Jin farewell by kissing his cheek and disappears.
            "What the hell am I going to smoke this out of?", Jin thinks to himself. Then, realizing that he is hungry from not eating all day decides to just ingest the herb. He wishes he had some Italian salad dressing, but the buds were still sticky from the plant and tasted just great. After stuffing himself for what seemed like thirty minutes, he gets up onto the bed. Noticing the silk and cashmere bedsheets, he hugs them and sheds a lone tear. "Thank you God!", he thinks stupefied.


            Juli ended up materializing on his armchair. Without a second thought, he pulls the lever on the side and lifts his feet. "What in the hell just happened to me?", he thought to himself. Juli had never done drugs, and that was the first time he even smoked weed. Though as to the past couple of days, he was more than baffled.
"Hello!?!?! Is there anyone here with me?", he yelled. As if to answer his question. His cellphone began it's buzzing and playing "The Doors, Hello, I Love You".
            He quickly reaches the table by his feet to answer. It was Amber. Wonder what she wants! He presses the green button, and puts the phone to his ear. "Hi babe, how've you been?", she asks of him. To which he calmly replies, "Not as good as when I had you, friendly one. I had thought that I heard the last of you. What happened with Jim?"
            "Well, we need to talk about somethings, Juli. Mind if I come over?". At which point the door bell rings, and Juli hears keys going into his front door lock. "Why does life feel predetermined," he asks and hangs up his cell. In walks Amber, all 106 pounds of her, dressed in a low cut red dress that showed a lot of cleavage.
            "Wow, stunning dress, babe. If I may call you that anymore...", he utters as he gazes at Amber. To which Amber slowly walks over to Juli and gives him a peck on the cheek. "I haven't been totally honest, babe. I had to, you see, it's just the way we recruit members. It's different everytime, but we have to bring you to the lowest point of your life before we raise you up to be a god-like angel.", she playfully states.
            "Holy shit, you're part of this too, Amber?! I haven't just been dreaming or dead or something!?!", Juli exclaims loudly. "No, babe, I had been watching you for years before I came on to you at The Elbo Room club. I absolutely had to see if I can spend the next couple of aeons training you. You passed with flying colors, or should I say a soaring phallus?", and turns around. "Unzip my dress, will ya, Jules?", she utters in a sultry tone.
            "No, babe, I refuse to please you until you please me by elaborating on just what the fuck is going on, please!", Juli nearly screams in frustration. "Jeez, Juli, take a chill pill! I do guess that we have eternity to continue our fornication, and so I'll entertain you tonight.", Amber replies sneeringly. "I will be your partner for the next forty billion years or so, and I do have to say that we got off to a great start. I've never had a pupil to teach, and the only way I saw to train a man is through a sado-masochistic, master-slave, relationship."
            "You cannot imagine the powers you will be getting in the next week. Your scientific mind will be given free reign. First over your body, and then over this reality. Here, eat this pill... It is a concentrated form of mescalin from the peyote cactii." She hands him a small orange pill. "Wait a second, what is it with you guys and all the drugs?", Juli affirmed with a stern tone. "These are not drugs, Juli, they are psychadaelics which expand your mind. Not even addictive, trust me or do a search on your ancient version of the Web." Amber replies.
            "Ok, fuck it... I trust you Amber and life has been wilder than a one legged man riding a five legged horse." Juli says, and tosses the pill in his mouth. At which point, Amber gets up and kisses Juli straight on the mouth in a deep, sensual way. "Thank you for trusting me, babe. Now please undo my zipper so I can get more comfortable." Juli does, and as he looks over her form wearing just laungerie he starts getting a chubby.
            "Thank you, Juli. Now where was I... After tonight, you will be getting the Sentro Operating System installed into your brain. You will be able to have a computer inside your brain, Juli. How does that sound?" she states. "That's why I've never been interested in computers nor science of this age. I have seen what the previous universe of men invented, and the technology of today has the mentality of a newborn."
            By this time, Juli began to feel all tingly in his extremeties, and the lights were getting to be foggy. Getting up he turns them all off. With all the lights off, Juli can think again about what is going on. Well, that is until Amber materializes a large candle on his table. She blows on the wick, and it lights up instantly instead of being blown out.
"Juli, imagine being that glow that surrounds the flame. Ethereal, but visible. That is what you will be when I am done with you."
For a second there, he was staring back at himself with Amber from the viewpoint of the candle flame…
            "I think I'm starting to like psychadaelics. Wonder why there has been such a stigma about them." Juli states to himself mostly. "People are afraid of things they cannot understand. You on the other hand are a pioneer of the New Frontier. Working as a quantum physicist, you have learned to doubt yourself, and so became more enlightened than about eighty percent of the human population."
            Being about twenty minutes after he had taken the little orange pill. Juli asked Amber if she wanted to go out back so he could smoke a cigarette. Which she declined, and he grabbed a cigarette from the table with his lighter still in his right pocket. During his walk through his living room. Juli started seeing moving patterns on all the walls, rugs, and even ceiling of the room. He got outside in the fresh air, and lit up. That's when his vision really went radical.
            Out back was as normal as it was the last time that he saw it, but now it seemed as a portrait hanging on the wall of Dan's office. As he breathed the portrait stretched and shrunk. The moon and stars looked like a virtual aurora of lights shining down. He even thought he could see their reflections on the grass. And the grass itself felt amazing to his bare feet.
            Staring at the sky, Juli felt a pair of hands around his shoulders, and soft breasts against his back. "Juli, I've been watching you doing absolutely nothing, and wanted to remind you to toss that cigarette before you burn your fingers."
He takes one more drag off his Malboro and flicks it at the corner of his house with all the other butts. "Baby, if you're one of them, why are we hanging around here? I'm seeing and feeling like a newborn child. I want to experience everything about life!", Juli proclaims.
            "Thought you'd never ask. Actually, I was waiting for the mescalin to kick in. Which it obviously has," taking Juli's hand, she blinks, and in that nanosecond, teleports them both to a warm, sandy beach with palm trees. The sun is high in the sky, and the weather is like it was where he just left from. "We are on one of the beaches of American Guam, Jules. I see that you are not going to freak out on the peyote, and so I'll take a pill myself so that I can guide your trip better."
            Popping a pill into her mouth, she crunches down on it smiling. "Unlike you, I can turn off my taste buds. That is why I chewed on mine. It gives a quicker effect, but tastes horrible if I remember correctly." Juli throws himself onto the sand, and starts digging with his hands then letting the sand trickle off his palms. Seeing this, Amber is a bit flustered. She had forgotten to change them into bathing suits, and Jin is still in his boxers and a t-shirt rolling around in sand. Amber takes off her girdle, bra, and panties, and joins Juli in rolling around on the sand.
            "Having fun, honeybunch?", she asks as the trip hadn't hit her yet. "Let's go for a swim! Come on, Juli!", she exclaims. At which point, Juli takes off his shirt and boxers, and runs to the water diving head first. Amber runs after him as he looks back towards the beach.
            "Babe, I think I just had a mental orgasm when I saw you with your breasts bouncing!", he proclaims. "Oh, you haven't seen anything yet, baby!", she responds as she swims closer to Juli. Giving him a kiss, she says, "Now you can breathe underwater, like me. You couldn't turn your lungs to filter water instead of air, yet, but I did it for you." Without a second's thought, or any type of response. Juli dives underwater, and sees a painting of paradise. Yellow, red, and blue colored fish dart around an intricate reef. After the sun's rays start drawing patterns on the water, Amber gets bored with the outside, and dives down to join Juli.
            Immediately, she is assaulted by the spectrum of colors all zipping and melting into the next moment. She forgot to give Juli goggles so his vision isn't blurry, “Doh!”  In the second it took for the thought, it took Juli ten more to stop rubbing his eyes and smile. Looking up at Amber he mouths, "Thank You". She moves in the water as though she is a dolphin, does Amber. Accelerating at a pace that is inhuman in it's form and grace.
            Swimming in circles around Juli who is just floating near the bottom staring with amazement around him. Amber slowly starts getting closer and closer. Until she is literally coiling around Juli like a boa constrictor. He's feeling better than he could have ever imagined! The mescalin, the moving portrait that he was seeing, and Amber's touch all give Juli the feeling that he's died and gone to heaven. He's getting very hard, very quick. Which Amber notices immediately, and that's when I stop observing the girls that I've trained for millions of years.


            Both of the soon-to-be angels dreamt the same dream during their slumber of that night:
"Welcome to the Santro Nanotechnological Operating System"
Along with a Superman logo appearing in shimmering letters as if they were looking at a screen. What came next, neither could remember, but woke up at the same exact instant with one thought in their minds. "What would I like to do:", appearing as a small vision inside their minds. In letters, and not words or a thought, mind you.
            Just as Jin wakes up, in walks Gasha with a tray of poached eggs along with some exotic fruits and vegetables. "I trust that you've slept well, and from what I've heard you've got a Satro in your mind now! Isn't it wonderful? We, women, of the TS Myriad can interact with the desktop version of Santro, but I've always wondered what it felt like to have one inside of yourself!"
            "Can I play with mine while I eat? And thank you for breakfast. That is the first time someone cooked me breakfast in bed other than my grandmother." Jin voiced. "Of course, my lord. Do you require anything else of me?", Gasha meekly asks. "Yeah, I want you to start acting like the goddess that you are, and not like my slave, honey child!", Jin quickly replied. "Oh sorry, I'm just so excited over meeting the person that I've been training for for over three million years.", came her response.
            "Computer, make me be able to see through clothes," Jin thought. No other thought came to answer, but the tiny question in the back of his mind changed to a statement that was quite a bit more apparent. "I am not a computer, I am Santro. Please refer to me as such, and as for your request: Please rephrase your demand." So this isn't gunna be as easy as Jin had assumed...
            After giving it some thought. Jin tried again, "Santro, make cotton and silk appear as though looking through glass." "Your request will take exactly 00:01:12 to integrate." Claimed the small vision in his "peripheral" mind. At which point, Jin starts to eat. Until a literal angel walks in the room stark naked. "Santro, terminate last request", Jin thinks to himself. Instantly the beautiful Gasha asks, "What'd you do, Jin?" "At which point he replies, "Since you people seem to be able to read my mind. I will tell you the truth that I peeked at what is under your sarong. Hope you don't mind."
            Giggling like a schoolgirl, Gasha lightly slaps Jin's left cheek, and says, "I was going to show you... eventually. Now you've spoiled the surprise!" To which Jin quickly replies, "The surprise will be what those curves actually feel like. Don't hate the player, hate the game!"
"Did you like what you saw?" she asks timidly. To which Jin replies, "I was awestruck by the beauty of an angel, of course I loved what I saw. It even embaressed me for doing something like that without your consent."
"Well, ask your Santro to show you what you could be wearing for the rest of the day, and hurry up 'cause we gotta be with Dan in like half an hour.", Amber shouts at him… Literally just gets to the highest pitch and tone a female voice can have. After like three million years that scream had an ocean’s gravity. All the angst of a teenage being who can do literally anything, but having been trained from birth to be one thing. Anything that a soul like Jin’s could ever want, need, and desire.
            Dan had been training Gasha to be a true geisha. How to stimulate the thought process of a mind. It was a difficult subject with many, but not with Dan. With him, it was impossible. She must have spent almost sixteen million years trying to outsmart Dan, but every time she did all she discovered was that Dan would tug on a strand from one of the universes she had created. All of Gasha’s thought processes crumbled, and she had to start again.
            Juli, meanwhile, woke up next to Amber on the cystalline beach. They had both slept the night through on a towel-thick bed spread. With that same nagging visionary question in the back of his mind. Juli wakes Amber with a kiss on the forehead, and thinks to himself, "I would like to fly through the sky." The questionary vision in the corner of his mind replies, "Unadaptable to setting desired, please allow 68:24:31 to fully . Oh, and Hi, by the way, my name's Santro"
            "Amber, am I going crazy, or have I really become schizophrenic?" he asks the still sleeping beauty next to him. Amber flutters her eyelashes and asks back, "What are you on to now Julius?"
"My brain seems to have Microsoft DOS hooked up to it, but this DOS talks back. Help!"
To which she casually states, "You're not going crazy, baby. The nanites that Dan put into you have developed a way to interact with all of the Myriad. Santro, this program, is taking you to the point of godhood, like us. Just relax and go with it. Theotechnical Santronity Myriad to call us by the full name. Santro was what our organization was named, and what it stood for. This was supposedly occurred in the Universe when the TS had first mapped the human brain onto a quantum computer, and discovered how to access the Ark of the Covenant which is our brain. Oh shit, what time is it? We gotta go in less than an hour."
            "Baby, we're naked and in the South Pacific. what the fuck is going on?", he quipped again. "Shut up, Juli!" she replied, "I'm not in the mood for a reality check right now. You think that this reality is measured in moments. Well, it's not! That's why the TS began it's Myriad. Through research during the hundred or so billion years in which you had a part of in your "previous" life. We've measured time and space to the smallest possible increment. And all we've found is what your generation dreamt up! This whole universe is made of a Pattern which we call God that constitutes this Universe and the four previous."
            "I'm sorry to snap at you, babe. As I was saying, though, this universe is made of eleven dimensions, which you also theorized. The Holy Grail of our brains showed us how to access the seven "abstract" dimensions.”
“ It's just that I heard this last about eighteen million years ago. The mind never forgets, but does become unaccustomed to scrutiny.", come her words. "Aww, I'm sowwy.", Juli murmurs. Amber jumps on his neck, and starts peppering his face with kisses. "Don't worry about it babe..."
            They appear in a hugely expansive, and expensive apartment. The sun was beaming a few lazy rays through the many windows. They were in the city somewhere. As to which city it was is left to Juli's own imagination. "Through here baby, follow me.", she is saying as she tugs at Juli's arm. Leading them into a bedroom, and opening a closet. "Here, babe, you can search in here for something." At the same instance creating a pair of boxers on Juli. The boxers were made of three stripes, green over yellow over red, and had a lion with a crown where the opening in the front should of been.
            Juli looks at the clothes, and then back to Amber who had sprawled on the bed, still naked. His small head starts to get happy again... Amber sees and announces, "You need some age and control, Juli. I'll be in the other room." Left alone, Juli starts putting three pairs of pants on the bed. He then grabs six shirts out, and tosses them on the bed. Looking at the arrangement on the bed with all the expensive clothes. He can't decide what pants with which shirt. So he just stands there, thinking. Ten minutes later, Amber walks back into the room and sees Juli still in his boxers.
            "What's wrong, babe?", she quips. "These clothes are so unusual for me in their styles that I just cannot decide between the grey pants with the white dress shirt or any of these that I chose out of the closet." Amber rolls her eyes. "You need to grow up, Jules! Do I seriously have to dress you myself? Even though I would love to. How about you choose your pants, and I'll take the time to design you a t-shirt from my imagination?"
            Juli thinks for a second and grabs the black Gucci silk pants. "How 'bout this, babe?", he asks. Amber assents saying, "Perfect choice baby, let me think for a minute, now." She closes her eyes, and jumps onto the bed. Buck naked just like before. A few moments later, a shirt materializes on Juli, and Amber opens her eyes to see her design.
"Wow, that really looks nice. Take a look in the mirror and tell me what you think, babe."  Juli forces his eyes from the image of the naked angel lying on the bed to turn around and face the mirror. His shirt looks just like his boxers did. The Rastafari flag, but with two details on the shoulders and one below the Lion of Judah. ??? on his right shoulder, and arm. While on the left an elaborate ????????. Below the crowned lion was a ?. All in a distinct greenish red glow.
            "Wow baby! I love it, but what's it mean?", Juli announces after five seconds. "Well, babe, on your right arm is Jah's true name. While on your left is your designation as an angel. All written in Hebrew.", Amber's voice is a sensual caress on Juli's mind. "Woah, that's like more amazing and breathtaking than I had imagined! Thank you!", he remarks. "Oh, and the little symbol near your magic stick is Aum, this Universe." Turning from Amber's enchanting form to the mirror. He smiles and states, "Well, I'm set. What about you?" At which point Amber gets up, and blinks a white dress that a geisha would wear. "You like, baby?" she asks with an inquiring voice. "Let's g”, she mumbles as her hands surround Juli.
            “You know. I let you sleep an hour longer from all of your mental activities of last night. Juli, Amber… I see that you’ve known each other before. Great plan, babe,” remarks Dan.  At which point Juli gets red in the face, but holds it in. Whatever it could have been. It simply wasn’t…  “Yes, I did watch up to a point. I was curious about how you would both handle yourselves.” Plainly quipped Dan after.
            “As it is, it is exactly ten in the morning, No, not anymore, eleven and one, two, three seconds. Jin and his companion must be,”  goes Dan, and “Howdie-Ho” ,quips Gasha. She can be seen donning a dress from Dolce & Gabana. Around her neck is the most beautiful arrangement of what must have been a crystallized drink looking jewel. To her left stands Jin looking around like he just experienced divineness. “Jin, what is on your mind right now?” asks Dan in an elaborate question, simple yet to the point.
            “ That millisecond of being transported from wherever to here, in your office.” Comes Jin’s reply, “I had asked Santro to explain time to me from his or it’s own knowledge. I was actually moved to almost tears. The Fabric of Allnity, my own word by the way, was revealed to me. Which I was experiencing that for all of thirty seconds when I could see you. It felt like unity, and a feeling kind of like desire but more like contentment.”
            Dan claps his hands, “Excellent job, Gasha. I was watching by the way. That trick you pulled with the weed was genius. Many stoners don’t look at weed as something that they could eat, but Jin is a genius as well. It took him, what Gasha, twenty seconds? “
“Nineteen point four twenty seconds, Dan.” She continues in her own mind. Jin’s a marvel to behold, wonder what he’s like in bed. She had never been trained for the more physical sport. Preferring to pass her time playing golf, baseball, any sport basically that involved a round ball.
            The form of a circle and a triangle were taught to her first. She can remember only two ideas from the time that she was little. Those two ideas brought her a lot of joy, a cube and a box. The two mathematical symbols had never been joined. Only that she had imagined combining a pyramid within a circle forever!
“What are you thinking at the moment, Gasha, seeming that you’ve arrived late, and what the hell did you dress Jin in?” Jin was wearing a samurai outfit. “Hey, I’m actually South Korean, but I thought I’d play around with my geisha..” Immediately Juli turns to Amber, “Babe, did you know he would come as a samurai? I’m very amazed at your choice of dress.”
            Dan inserts himself within the four, “Where is that woman! She always does this. I’ve started the lesson without my assistant. Very good, Gasha, please continue.”
            “I was just thinking petty things, like erupting volcanoes, and spouting geysers, actually.” To which Jin’s face gets all red, and Juli begins to laugh.” Soon four of them are laughing, and Dan just smiles. “Good, now let’s continue wondering what Julius has been up to with Amber.” And smiles a smile that when the corner of your cheeks are above your nose, and having this smile enlarge like the Cheshire cat’s from “Alice in Wonderland”.
            “Dan, you know what I like to do, don’t go there with me right now. I knew that you were watching. So how’d I do?” Amber asks the “adult” in the classroom slash office. “Don’t get cute with me, Amber. I really liked the fact that you used the same natural elements to guide Juli. I’m glad that at least you paid attention while being so hard headed as to ask me why you need to understand how a male soul boggles.”
            “Yeah, teach… Sorry about being lazy before, just that I got so bored with trying to understand all the simple lessons you taught us.”
“ The fact that we are all connected is another reason for God.” butts in Dan, “But please, do go on.”
            “Well, you were there! Why don’t you ask Juli how he felt?” Amber stops trying to chase the white rabbit. “I’m bored with being taught verbally again, Dan. Allow me to not share my feelings.” She states.
 “As you wish, Amber, so we’ll proceed to Juli.”
            Julius continues smiling and going with the flow of time. “Aww, he got trapped verbally… You need to teach him Santro, Amber, he was controlling himself just fine a moment ago, but as usual, you fail, Amber. “Are we born unknowing? Are we born knowing all? Are we growing wiser, are we just growing tall? What’s hue, what’s human, and what kind spell is mankind under?” Juli starts rapping… “Pardon mua, I had asked Santro for the greatest hit of all time. He played Damian Marley and NAS “Patience”.”
            That’s when bass starts making it’s presence felt, and music is playing from every painting making the sounds sound like feelings, and all five of them are listening to the track.
Sabali, Sabali, Sabali, yonkontê
Sabali, Sabali, Sabali, kiye
Ni kêra môgô
Sabali, Sabali, Sabali, yonkontê
Sabali, Sabali, Sabali, kagni
Ni kêra môgô

Some of the smartest dummies
Can't read the language of Egyptian mummies
An' a fly go a moon
And can't find food for the starving tummies
Pay no mind to the youths
Cause it's not like the future depends on it
But save the animals in the zoo
Cause the chimpanzee dem a make big money
This is how the media pillages
On the TV the picture is
Savages in villages
And the scientist still can't explain the pyramids, huh
Evangelists making a living on the videos of ribs of the little kids
Stereotyping the image of the images
And this is what the image is
You buy a khaki pants
And all of a sudden you say a Indiana Jones
An' a thief out gold and thief out the scrolls and even the buried bones
Some of the worst paparazzis I've ever seen and I ever known
Put the worst on display so the world can see
And that's all they will ever show
So the ones in the west
Will never move east
And feel like they could be at home
Dem get tricked by the beast
But a where dem ago flee when the monster is fully grown?
Solomonic linage whe dem still can't defeat and them coulda never clone
My spiritual DNA that print in my soul and I will forever Own Lord

Sabali, Sabali, Sabali, yonkontê
Sabali, Sabali, Sabali, kiye
Ni kêra môgô
Sabali, Sabali, Sabali, yonkontê
Sabali, Sabali, Sabali, kagni
Ni kêra môgô

Huh, we born not knowing, are we born knowing all?
We growing wiser, are we just growing tall?
Can you read thoughts? can you read palms?
Huh, can you predict the future? can you see storms, coming?
The Earth was flat if you went too far you would fall off
Now the Earth is round if the shape change again everybody woulda start laugh
The average man can't prove of most of the things that he chooses to speak of
And still won't research and find out the root of the truth that you seek of
Scholars teach in Universities and claim that they're smart and cunning
Tell them find a cure when we sneeze and that's when their nose start running
And the rich get stitched up, when we get cut
Man a heal dem broken bones in the bush with the wed mud
Can you read signs? can you read stars?
Can you make peace? can you fight war?
Can you milk cows, even though you drive cars? huh
Can you survive, Against All Odds, Now?

Sabali, Sabali, Sabali, yonkontê
Sabali, Sabali, Sabali, kiye
Ni kêra môgô
Sabali, Sabali, Sabali, yonkontê
Sabali, Sabali, Sabali, kagni
Ni kêra môgô

Who wrote the Bible? Who wrote the Qur'an?
And was it a lightning storm
That gave birth to the earth
And then dinosaurs were born? damn
Who made up words? who made up numbers?
And what kind of spell is mankind under?
Everything on the planet we preserve and can it
Microwaved it and try it
No matter what we'll survive it
What's hu? what's man? what's human?
Anything along the land we consuming
Eatin', deletin', ruin
Trying to get paper
Gotta have land, gotta have acres
So I can sit back like Jack Nicholson
Watch niggas play the game like the lakers
In a world full of 52 fakers
Gypsies, seances, mystical prayers
You superstitious? throw salt over your shoulders
Make a wish for the day cuz
Like somebody got a doll of me
Stickin' needles in my arteries
But I can't feel it
Sometimes it's like 'pardon me, but I got a real big spirit'
I'm fearless.... I'm fearless
Don't you try and grab hold of my soul
It's like a military soldier since seven years old
I held real dead bodies in my arms
Felt their body turn cold, oh
Why we born in the first place
If this is how we gotta go?


            “I like you, Jules… You have emotions, but now with Santro, you will be able to control yourself a bit better.” asserts Dan. “Now, I shall teach all four of you the meaning of your lives. Yes, even you two ladies have not seen my point of view on life in the millions of years that you’ve existed. Please entertain me with your whole attention while I elaborate on some long hidden truths that I’ve noticed during my travels through time.”

            The four of them each blink at the exact same time… Juli&Amber along with Jin&Pritty are open-mouthed.